game_equip_selected_slots |
false |
1 |
3 |
game_is_finished_showing_upgrades |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_button_a |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_button_b |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_button_start |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_button_x |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_button_y |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_cancel_ready |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_change_option |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_cleanup |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_confirm_quit |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_coop_options |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_countdown_game_start |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_countdown_update |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_create_lobby |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_disconnect |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_hide_spinner |
false |
1 |
3 |
game_lobby_init |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_init_done |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_invite_friend |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_invite_populate |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_joined |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_kick |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_mouse_click |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_mouse_drag |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_mouse_drag_release |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_mouse_move |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_mouse_scroll |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_nav_down |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_nav_left |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_nav_right |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_nav_up |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_peg_loaded |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_populate_horde_data |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_quit |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_reset_waiting |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_retrieve_invite |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_set_logo |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_set_screen_layout |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_set_waiting_prompt |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_show_char |
false |
1 |
4 |
game_lobby_show_invite |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_show_main |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_show_spinner |
false |
1 |
10game_lobby.lua, line 196: game_lobby_show_spinner(true, "COOP_LOBBY_WAITING")
game_lobby.lua, line 198: game_lobby_show_spinner(false, nil)
game_lobby.lua, line 305: game_lobby_show_spinner((join_complete ~= true), tag)
game_lobby.lua, line 345: game_lobby_show_spinner(false, tag)
game_lobby.lua, line 386: game_lobby_show_spinner(true, "COOP_LOBBY_WAITING")
game_lobby.lua, line 454: game_lobby_show_spinner(false,"")
game_lobby.lua, line 480: game_lobby_show_spinner(false, tag)
game_lobby.lua, line 504: game_lobby_show_spinner(false, vint_insert_values_in_string("COOP_LOBBY_GAME_STARTING", { [0] = time_left }))
game_lobby.lua, line 756: game_lobby_show_spinner(true, "COOP_LOBBY_WAITING")
game_lobby.lua, line 760: game_lobby_show_spinner(false, tag)
game_lobby_sp_start_confim |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_start_dialog_canceled |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_start_game |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_start_single_player |
false |
1 |
2 |
game_lobby_update_char |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_update_char_display |
false |
1 |
4 |
game_lobby_update_continue_button |
false |
1 |
4 |
game_lobby_update_ff |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_update_local_ready |
false |
1 |
7 |
game_lobby_update_map |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_update_map_display |
false |
1 |
3 |
game_lobby_update_ready |
false |
1 |
1 |
game_lobby_view_gamercard |
false |
1 |
game_lobby_whored_continue_game |
false |
1 |
garage_build_areas |
false |
1 |
2 |
garage_nav_areas |
false |
1 |
garage_populate_car_list |
false |
1 |
garage_populate_performance_stats |
false |
1 |
garage_preview |
false |
1 |
garage_select |
false |
1 |
garage_set_vehicle_logo |
false |
1 |
garage_update_stat_visibility |
false |
1 |
garage_vehicle_load_begin |
false |
1 |
garage_vehicle_load_completed |
false |
1 |
genki_ball_cleanup |
false |
1 |
genki_ball_init |
false |
1 |
genki_common_cleanup |
false |
1 |
4 |
genki_common_init |
false |
1 |
4 |
genki_escort_cleanup |
false |
1 |
genki_escort_init |
false |
1 |
genki_fly_cleanup |
false |
1 |
genki_fly_init |
false |
1 |
genki_news_1 |
false |
1 |
genki_news_5 |
false |
1 |
genki_news_6 |
false |
1 |
genki_news_7 |
false |
1 |
genki_news_8 |
false |
1 |
genki_news_12 |
false |
1 |
genki_news_cleanup |
false |
1 |
genki_news_init |
false |
1 |
genki_run_cleanup |
false |
1 |
genki_run_init |
false |
1 |
get_actual_size |
false |
1 |
46cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 472: local w = popup.text_key[i]:get_actual_size() + 2 -- A little padding
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 476: w = popup.text_action[i]:get_actual_size() + 2 -- A little padding
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 947: local min_heading = dialog.text:get_actual_size() + 3 + 50 -- Add a little padding + extra for the close button
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 949: local w = dialog.headings[i]:get_actual_size() + 3
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 473: local w,h = zone.solid:get_actual_size()
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 573: local temp_w, temp_h = zone.text:get_actual_size()
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 578: temp_w, temp_h = zone.lock:get_actual_size()
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 727: local w, h = Mpb_text_bg:get_actual_size()
hud_diversion.lua, line 64: Meter_max, Meter_height = chal_meter_fill:get_actual_size()
hud_diversion.lua, line 702: local chal_bg_width, chal_bg_height = chal_bg:get_actual_size()
hud_diversion.lua, line 703: local chal_title_width, chal_title_height = chal_title:get_actual_size()
msn_text_adventure.lua, line 300: local move_width, move_height = Text_buffer[1]:get_actual_size()
vdo_bitmap_viewer.lua, line 61: local img_width, img_height = self.current_img:get_actual_size()
vdo_button_highlight.lua, line 81: local bg_width, bg_height = bg:get_actual_size()
vdo_button_highlight.lua, line 82: local bottom_bar_width, bottom_bar_height = bottom_bar:get_actual_size()
vdo_button_highlight.lua, line 83: local bottom_fill_width, bottom_fill_height = bottom_fill:get_actual_size()
vdo_button_pc.lua, line 476: return self.text_label:get_actual_size() + 7 -- Add a little padding
vdo_button_pc.lua, line 490: return self.text_value:get_actual_size() + 3 -- Add some padding
vdo_button_remap.lua, line 157: local width, height = self.label_text:get_actual_size()
vdo_button_toggle.lua, line 228: local width, height = text_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_cell_filter.lua, line 113: local width, height = background:get_actual_size()
vdo_cell_menu_button.lua, line 49: btn_width, btn_height = self.btn_img:get_actual_size()
vdo_cell_menu_button.lua, line 72: btn_width, btn_height = self.btn_img:get_actual_size()
vdo_dialog.lua, line 302: local title_width, title_height = title_txt_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_dialog.lua, line 1067: -- local title_width, title_height = title_txt_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 51: self.meter_width, self.meter_height = meter_bg_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 55: self.combo_num_width = combo_txt_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 139: local label_width, label_height = label_txt_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_gsi_info.lua, line 95: local label_width, label_height = label_txt_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_gsi_info.lua, line 96: local info_width, info_height = info_txt_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 149: text_width, text_height = text_old:get_actual_size()
vdo_hint_button.lua, line 246: w, h = self.key_text1:get_actual_size()
vdo_hint_button.lua, line 260: w, h = self.key_text2:get_actual_size()
vdo_hint_button.lua, line 295: local width, height = self.bg_middle:get_actual_size()
vdo_hint_button.lua, line 300: local width, height = icon:get_actual_size()
vdo_hint_button.lua, line 308: local width, height = icon:get_actual_size()
vdo_level_meter.lua, line 24: Level_meter_frame_left_width, Level_meter_frame_left_height = self.left_frame_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 835: local second_button_w = remap.value_bg[2]:get_actual_size()
vdo_pause_button_toggle.lua, line 105: local width, height = text_obj:get_actual_size()
vdo_scrollbar.lua, line 45: local fill_width, fill_height = self.fill:get_actual_size()
vdo_scrollbar.lua, line 53: local tab_size_x, tab_size_y =
vdo_scrollbar.lua, line 109: local fill_width, fill_height = self.fill:get_actual_size()
vdo_scrollbar.lua, line 112: local tab_width, tab_height =
vdo_slider.lua, line 57: local t_x, t_y = meter_left:get_actual_size()
vdo_store_popup.lua, line 86: local text_width, text_height = self.text:get_actual_size()
vdo_triangle_select.lua, line 333: local tri_width, tri_height = triangle_base:get_actual_size()
get_alpha |
false |
1 |
get_anchor |
false |
1 |
66cell_stats.lua, line 176: --local x = Page_header:get_anchor()
cell_stats.lua, line 186: --x = Page_header:get_anchor()
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 726: local x, y = Marker_playback:get_anchor()
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 737: x, y = Mpb_play_to_arrow:get_anchor()
cinema_clip_editor_timeline.lua, line 988: local x, y = Marker_timeline:get_anchor()
cmp_common.lua, line 1551: local x, y = Cmp_hintbar:get_anchor()
cmp_common.lua, line 2046: local x, y = Cmp_hintbar:get_anchor()
hud_collection.lua, line 269: local x, y = Hud_collection_control_meter:get_anchor()
hud_diversion.lua, line 133: local shift_up_x, shift_up_y = shift_up_grp:get_anchor()
hud_diversion.lua, line 551: local shift_up_grp_x, shift_up_grp_y = shift_up_grp:get_anchor()
hud_msg.lua, line 675: local h_x,h_y = Hud_msg_use_btn:get_anchor()
main_menu_top.lua, line 93: x, y = Menu_newsticker:get_anchor()
main_menu_top.lua, line 312: x, y = Menu_newsticker:get_anchor()
msn_cyber.lua, line 76: local text_x, text_y = error_msg3:get_anchor()
msn_text_adventure.lua, line 306: text_x, text_y = Text_buffer[2]:get_anchor()
pause_map.lua, line 441: Pause_map_stag_popup_x, Pause_map_stag_popup_y = Pause_map_stag_popup:get_anchor()
store_character.lua, line 2418: local list_x, list_y = Active_list:get_anchor()
store_character.lua, line 2419: local grid_x, grid_y = Store_common_color_grid:get_anchor()
store_vehicle.lua, line 2448: --local popup_x,popup_y = Store_common_popup:get_anchor()
store_vehicle.lua, line 2480: local grid_x, grid_y = Store_common_color_grid:get_anchor()
store_weapon.lua, line 332: local obj_txt_x, obj_txt_y = obj_txt:get_anchor()
store_weapon.lua, line 869: local base_txt_x, base_txt_y = base_weapon_txt:get_anchor()
store_weapon.lua, line 983: local avail_x, avail_y = available_grp:get_anchor()
store_weapon.lua, line 1769: local obj_txt_x, obj_txt_y = obj_txt:get_anchor()
vdo_button_pc.lua, line 362: local cur_x, cur_y = self:get_anchor()
vdo_button_toggle.lua, line 142: local text_obj_x, text_obj_y = text_obj:get_anchor()
vdo_button_toggle.lua, line 143: local icon2_x, icon2_y = self.icon2:get_anchor()
vdo_button_toggle.lua, line 180: local x, y = self.icon1:get_anchor()
vdo_button_toggle.lua, line 235: local toggle_text_x, toggle_text_y = text_obj:get_anchor()
vdo_button_toggle.lua, line 243: return text_obj:get_anchor()
vdo_cell_filter.lua, line 40: self.start_x, self.start_y = h:get_anchor()
vdo_cell_filter.lua, line 173: local x, y = filter_obj:get_anchor()
vdo_cell_filter.lua, line 175: local dpad_x, dpad_y = dpad:get_anchor()
vdo_cell_menu_button.lua, line 26: self.btn_label_x,self.btn_label_y = self.btn_label:get_anchor()
vdo_cell_menu_button.lua, line 27: self.btn_hint_x,self.btn_hint_y = self.btn_hint:get_anchor()
vdo_cell_missions_list.lua, line 110: local scrollbar_x, scrollbar_y = self.scrollbar:get_anchor()
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 207: local bg_x, bg_y =
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 140: local label_x, label_y = label_txt_obj:get_anchor()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 132: text_x, text_y = text:get_anchor()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 136: button_x, button_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 150: text_x, text_y = text_old:get_anchor()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 152: button_x, button_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 707: local toggle_x, toggle_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 737: local slider_x, slider_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 803: local toggle_color_x, toggle_color_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 1241: local button_x, button_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 1596: local button_x, button_y = current_button:get_anchor()
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 219: local button_x, button_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 246: local temp_x, temp_y = button:get_anchor()
vdo_scrollbar.lua, line 115: local tab_x, tab_y =
vdo_slider.lua, line 26: -- local x, y = meter:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 118: local title_x,title_y = self.title[i]:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 121: local arrow_x, arrow_y = self.arrow[i]:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 269: local arrow1_x, arrow1_y = self.arrow[1]:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 270: local title1_x, title1_y = self.title[1]:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 273: local bar_top_x, bar_top_y = self.bar_top:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 274: local bar_bottom_x, bar_bottom_y = self.bar_bottom:get_anchor()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 275: local cash_x,cash_y =
vdo_store_header.lua, line 276: local price_x,price_y = self.price:get_anchor()
vdo_store_popup.lua, line 87: local text_x, text_y = self.text:get_anchor()
vdo_store_popup.lua, line 88: local list_x, list_y = self.list:get_anchor()
vdo_triangle_select.lua, line 81: -- TRIANGLE_NW_X, TRIANGLE_NW_Y = triangle_h:get_anchor()
vdo_triangle_select.lua, line 136: local cursor_x, cursor_y = Cursor:get_anchor()
vdo_weapon_radial.lua, line 241: dpad_menu_x, dpad_menu_y = dpad_menu:get_anchor()
vdo_weapon_radial.lua, line 333: local selector_x, selector_y = slot_new_obj:get_anchor()
vdo_weapon_radial.lua, line 355: local weapon_txt_x, weapon_txt_y = weapon_txt:get_anchor()
get_arrow_double_width |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_blur |
false |
1 |
get_button_index |
false |
3 |
96cat_mouse_results.lua, line 223: local new_index = Mega_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cat_mouse_results.lua, line 232: local new_index = Mega_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_camera.lua, line 196: local new_index = Camera_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_camera.lua, line 215: local new_index = Camera_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_cheats.lua, line 412: local new_index = Cheats_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_cheats.lua, line 433: local new_index = Cheats_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_missions.lua, line 253: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_missions.lua, line 270: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_phone.lua, line 993: local garage_idx = Garage_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_phone.lua, line 1026: local new_index = Garage_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 967: local new_index2 = List_right:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 1000: local new_index = List_left:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 1013: local new_index2 = List_right:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 1035: local new_index = List_left:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 1047: local new_index2 = List_right:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_rewards.lua, line 336: local new_index = Store_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
cell_rewards.lua, line 551: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cell_rewards.lua, line 567: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 544: local new_index = Confirm_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
cinema_clip_manager.lua, line 195: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cinema_clip_manager.lua, line 212: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
cmp_fail.lua, line 466: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
cmp_fail.lua, line 485: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
game_lobby.lua, line 1405: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
game_lobby.lua, line 1439: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
horde_results.lua, line 514: local new_index = Mega_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
horde_results.lua, line 522: local new_index = Mega_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_campaign.lua, line 154: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_campaign.lua, line 169: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop.lua, line 276: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop.lua, line 291: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop_top.lua, line 340: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop_top.lua, line 355: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_extras.lua, line 169: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_extras.lua, line 184: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_new_game.lua, line 209: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_new_game.lua, line 224: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_top.lua, line 387: local new_index = Main_menu_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
main_menu_top.lua, line 396: local new_index = Main_menu_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
msn_text_adventure.lua, line 383: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
msn_text_adventure.lua, line 393: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 291: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 317: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_ctrl_scheme.lua, line 487: local new_index = Control_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_ctrl_scheme.lua, line 505: local new_index = Control_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 642: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 658: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_map.lua, line 1603: local new_index = Pause_map_stag_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
pause_menu_top.lua, line 529: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_menu_top.lua, line 546: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_audio.lua, line 366: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_audio.lua, line 393: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 227: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 241: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_controls.lua, line 318: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_controls.lua, line 345: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 310: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 330: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 377: local new_index = Display_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 404: local new_index = Display_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 919: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 944: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_menu.lua, line 254: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_menu.lua, line 269: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_mouse.lua, line 272: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_mouse.lua, line 299: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_record_mode.lua, line 254: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_record_mode.lua, line 273: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_remap.lua, line 375: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_options_remap.lua, line 406: local new_index = List:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_save_game.lua, line 750: local new_index = Save_load_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
pause_save_game.lua, line 772: local new_index = Save_load_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
screen_capture.lua, line 98: local new_index = Mega_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
screen_capture.lua, line 108: local new_index = Mega_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_character.lua, line 2118: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_character.lua, line 2861: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_character.lua, line 3015: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_clothing.lua, line 1561: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_clothing.lua, line 2263: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_common.lua, line 682: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_common.lua, line 755: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_crib.lua, line 492: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_crib.lua, line 597: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_gallery.lua, line 191: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_gang.lua, line 589: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_gang.lua, line 728: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_stronghold.lua, line 388: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_stronghold.lua, line 781: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_tattoo.lua, line 234: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_tattoo.lua, line 837: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_vehicle.lua, line 2816: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_vehicle.lua, line 3313: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
store_weapon.lua, line 589: local new_index = Store_common_popup.list:get_button_index(value)
store_weapon.lua, line 2272: local new_index = Active_list:get_button_index(target_handle)
vint_bugs.lua, line 78: local new_index = Bugs_megalist:get_button_index(target_handle)
vint_bugs.lua, line 87: local new_index = Bugs_megalist:get_button_index(target_handle)
get_cancel_status |
false |
1 |
get_color |
false |
1 |
get_column_positions |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_column_widths |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_data |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_data_from_id |
false |
2 |
28pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 245: local value = List:get_data_from_id(ID_FF).current_value - 1
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 260: List:get_data_from_id(ID_FF).current_value = game_get_coop_friendly_fire() + 1
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 264: local menu_item = Display_list:get_data_from_id(current_id)
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 293: local brightness_item = Display_list:get_data_from_id(BRIGHTNESS_ID)
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 351: local converted_float = Display_list:get_data_from_id(BRIGHTNESS_ID).current_value
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 353: converted_float = Display_list:get_data_from_id(BRIGHTNESS_ID).current_value / 100
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 263: if List:get_data_from_id(ID_REFLECTIONS).current_value == 3 then
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 267: if List:get_data_from_id(ID_POST_PROCESSING_DETAIL).current_value == 3 then
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 271: if List:get_data_from_id(ID_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION).current_value > 2 then
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 623: local display_idx = List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX) ~= nil and List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX).current_value - 1 or Current_display_idx
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 623: local display_idx = List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX) ~= nil and List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX).current_value - 1 or Current_display_idx
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 624: local widescreen = List:get_data_from_id(ID_ASPECT).current_value == 1
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 632: local display_idx = List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX).current_value - 1
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 633: local widescreen = List:get_data_from_id(ID_ASPECT).current_value == 1
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 734: local vsync = List:get_data_from_id(ID_VSYNC).current_value == 2
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 736: local display_idx = List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX) ~= nil and List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX).current_value - 1 or Current_display_idx
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 736: local display_idx = List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX) ~= nil and List:get_data_from_id(ID_DISPLAY_IDX).current_value - 1 or Current_display_idx
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 737: local display_mode_selected_index = List:get_data_from_id(ID_RESOLUTIONS).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 739: local fullscreen = List:get_data_from_id(ID_WINDOW_MODE).current_value == 1
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 741: local msaa_index = List:get_data_from_id(ID_ANTI_ALIASING).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 744: local texture_filter = List:get_data_from_id(ID_TEXTURE_FILTER_MODE).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 745: local scene_detail = List:get_data_from_id(ID_SCENE_DETAIL).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 746: local lighting_detail = List:get_data_from_id(ID_LIGHTING_DETAIL).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 747: local shadow_detail = List:get_data_from_id(ID_SHADOW_DETAIL).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 748: local scene_detail = List:get_data_from_id(ID_SCENE_DETAIL).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 749: local reflections = List:get_data_from_id(ID_REFLECTIONS).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 750: local post_processing_detail = List:get_data_from_id(ID_POST_PROCESSING_DETAIL).current_value
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 751: local ambient_occlusion_level = List:get_data_from_id(ID_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION).current_value
get_data_index |
false |
1 |
7 |
get_default_width |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_depth |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_dialog_height |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_dialog_width |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_end_value |
false |
1 |
4 |
get_filter_data |
false |
1 |
get_filter_index |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_hint_index |
false |
1 |
100cell_camera.lua, line 191: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_camera.lua, line 210: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_cheats.lua, line 401: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_cheats.lua, line 406: local hint_index = Continue_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_cheats.lua, line 423: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_cheats.lua, line 428: local hint_index = Continue_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_extras.lua, line 116: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_extras.lua, line 130: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_menu_main.lua, line 228: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_menu_main.lua, line 242: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_missions.lua, line 247: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_missions.lua, line 263: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_music_menu.lua, line 194: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_music_menu.lua, line 205: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_music_sub.lua, line 115: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_music_sub.lua, line 129: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_phone.lua, line 978: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_phone.lua, line 988: local garage_hint_index = Garage_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_phone.lua, line 1004: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_phone.lua, line 1019: local garage_hint_index = Garage_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 974: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_playlist.lua, line 1030: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_rewards.lua, line 546: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_rewards.lua, line 561: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_saintsbook.lua, line 560: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_saintsbook.lua, line 575: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_stats.lua, line 255: local hint_index =Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cell_stats.lua, line 272: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cinema_clip_manager.lua, line 190: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cinema_clip_manager.lua, line 207: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cmp_fail.lua, line 459: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
cmp_fail.lua, line 478: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
dialog.lua, line 428: local hint_index = Dialog_objects[Dialog_current_idx].hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
dialog.lua, line 446: local hint_index = Dialog_objects[Dialog_current_idx].hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
game_lobby.lua, line 1392: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
game_lobby.lua, line 1434: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_campaign.lua, line 149: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_campaign.lua, line 164: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop.lua, line 271: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop.lua, line 286: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop_top.lua, line 335: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_coop_top.lua, line 350: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_extras.lua, line 164: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_extras.lua, line 179: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_new_game.lua, line 204: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
main_menu_new_game.lua, line 219: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
msn_proto_select.lua, line 589: local hint_bar_hit_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
msn_proto_select.lua, line 635: local hint_bar_hit_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 286: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 312: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_ctrl_scheme.lua, line 482: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_ctrl_scheme.lua, line 500: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 633: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 651: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_map.lua, line 1658: local hint_index = PC_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_map.lua, line 1678: local hint_index = PC_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_menu_top.lua, line 524: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_menu_top.lua, line 541: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_audio.lua, line 359: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_audio.lua, line 388: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 222: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 236: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_controls.lua, line 311: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_controls.lua, line 340: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 302: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 325: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 364: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 399: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 910: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 938: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_menu.lua, line 249: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_menu.lua, line 264: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_mouse.lua, line 265: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_mouse.lua, line 294: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_record_mode.lua, line 246: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_record_mode.lua, line 268: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_remap.lua, line 368: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_options_remap.lua, line 401: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_save_game.lua, line 726: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
pause_save_game.lua, line 767: local hint_index = Menu_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_character.lua, line 2936: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_character.lua, line 3004: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_clothing.lua, line 2240: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_clothing.lua, line 2257: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_common.lua, line 763: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_crib.lua, line 578: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_crib.lua, line 589: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_crib_cash.lua, line 272: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_crib_cash.lua, line 283: local hint_index = Hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_gallery.lua, line 478: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_gang.lua, line 706: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_gang.lua, line 720: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_stronghold.lua, line 757: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_stronghold.lua, line 772: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_tattoo.lua, line 807: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_tattoo.lua, line 831: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_vehicle.lua, line 3275: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_vehicle.lua, line 3307: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_weapon.lua, line 2238: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
store_weapon.lua, line 2264: local hint_index = Store_common_hint_bar:get_hint_index(target_handle)
get_id |
false |
4 |
38cat_mouse_results.lua, line 200: local id = Mega_list:get_id()
cell_cheats.lua, line 352: local id = Cheats_list:get_id()
cell_extras.lua, line 111: local current_id = Menu_extras:get_id()
cell_menu_main.lua, line 217: local current_id = Menu:get_id()
cell_music_sub.lua, line 110: local current_id = Menu_extras:get_id()
cell_phone.lua, line 827: local vehicle_id = Garage_list:get_id()
cell_playlist.lua, line 448: local station_id = List_left:get_id()
cmp_fail.lua, line 260: local current_id = List:get_id()
game_lobby.lua, line 951: local option_id = List:get_id()
game_lobby.lua, line 1265: local friend_index = List:get_id()
game_lobby.lua, line 1288: local current_id = List:get_id()
horde_results.lua, line 399: local id = Mega_list:get_id()
main_menu_campaign.lua, line 119: local current_id = List:get_id()
main_menu_coop.lua, line 205: local current_id = List:get_id()
main_menu_coop_top.lua, line 279: local current_id = List:get_id()
main_menu_extras.lua, line 123: local current_id = List:get_id()
main_menu_new_game.lua, line 131: local id = List:get_id()
main_menu_new_game.lua, line 155: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 171: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_co_op_menu.lua, line 184: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 493: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 583: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_menu_top.lua, line 362: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_controls.lua, line 248: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_display.lua, line 149: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 263: local current_id = Display_list:get_id()
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 332: local curr_id = Display_list:get_id()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 576: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 778: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 811: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_menu.lua, line 183: local current_id = List:get_id()
pause_options_mouse.lua, line 201: local current_id = List:get_id()
screen_capture.lua, line 85: local id = Mega_list:get_id()
store_clothing.lua, line 987: local id = Active_list:get_id()
store_clothing.lua, line 992: local id = Active_list:get_id()
store_common.lua, line 365: local current_id = Active_list:get_id()
store_common.lua, line 417: local current_id = Active_list:get_id()
store_dlc.lua, line 385: local id = List:get_id()
get_image |
false |
2 |
4 |
get_index |
false |
1 |
7 |
get_index_from_id |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_internal_width |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_label_anchor |
false |
1 |
get_label_width |
false |
2 |
3 |
get_options_height |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_option_index |
false |
2 |
18cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1335: if click_button:get_option_index() == 1 then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1359: local output_only = CCE_dialogs[DLG_OPTIONS].buttons[BTN_OPT_OUTPUT].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1367: local watermark = CCE_dialogs[DLG_OPTIONS].buttons[BTN_OPT_WATERMARK].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1388: local tod_preset = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_TIME_OF_DAY].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1396: local weather_preset = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_WEATHER].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1432: local sfx = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_SOUND_FX].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1440: local voice = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_VOICE].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1445: local gs_background = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_BACKGROUND].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1446: local gs_vehicles = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_VEHICLES].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1447: local gs_npc = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_PEOPLE].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1448: local gs_player = CCE_dialogs[DLG_AV].buttons[BTN_AV_PLAYER].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1464: zone.zone_type = CCE_dialogs[DLG_PROP].buttons[BTN_PROP_ZONE_TYPE].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1481: zone.export_lock = CCE_dialogs[DLG_PROP].buttons[BTN_PROP_EXPORT_LOCK].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1493: zone.camera_mode = CCE_dialogs[DLG_PROP].buttons[BTN_PROP_FOLLOW].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1592: zone.slow_mo = CCE_dialogs[DLG_PROP].buttons[BTN_PROP_SLOW_MO].button:get_option_index() - 1
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1602: zone.dof_mode = CCE_dialogs[DLG_PROP].buttons[BTN_PROP_DOF].button:get_option_index() - 1
dialog.lua, line 436: local option_id = Dialog_objects[Dialog_current_idx]:get_option_index(target_handle)
dialog.lua, line 452: local option_id = Dialog_objects[Dialog_current_idx]:get_option_index(target_handle)
get_option_widths |
false |
1 |
2vdo_dialog.lua, line 1055: local solo_option_1_max_width, paired_option_1_max_width, paired_option_2_max_width = self:get_option_widths(options)
vdo_dialog.lua, line 1132: local solo_option_1_max_width, paired_option_1_max_width, paired_option_2_max_width = self:get_option_widths(options)
get_property |
false |
1 |
55cell_camera.lua, line 64: local hint_icon_w,hint_icon_h = camera_hint_icon_vdo:get_property( "screen_size" )
hud.lua, line 929: local hint_right_x,hint_right_y = Hud_radio_elements.hint_right_h:get_property( "anchor" )
hud.lua, line 930: local hint_left_x,hint_left_y = Hud_radio_elements.hint_left_h:get_property( "anchor" )
hud.lua, line 931: local hint_right_w,hint_right_h = Hud_radio_elements.hint_right_h:get_property( "screen_size" )
hud.lua, line 932: local hint_left_w,hint_left_h = Hud_radio_elements.hint_left_h:get_property( "screen_size" )
hud.lua, line 1502: local Hud_sniper_hint_bar_x,Hud_sniper_hint_bar_y = Hud_sniper_hint_bar:get_property("anchor")
hud.lua, line 1516: local Hud_sniper_hint_bar_x,Hud_sniper_hint_bar_y = Hud_sniper_hint_bar:get_property("anchor")
hud_diversion.lua, line 382: local x, y = fire_scale_twn:get_property("end_value")
hud_diversion.lua, line 593: return (Hud_diversions[index].anim_fire:get_property("is_paused") == false)
store_character.lua, line 812: if Store_common_popup:get_property("visible") ~= true then
store_crib.lua, line 277: local mask_end_x,mask_end_y = crib_in_mask_twn_h:get_property("end_value")
vdo_anim_object.lua, line 38: if self:get_property("is_paused") == true then
vdo_anim_object.lua, line 86: return self:get_property("end_value")
vdo_anim_object.lua, line 90: return self:get_property("start_value")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 111: return self:get_property("depth")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 120: return self:get_property("alpha")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 129: return self:get_property("anchor")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 138: return self:get_property("tint")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 151: return self:get_property("rotation")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 160: return self:get_property("scale")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 169: return self:get_property("screen_size")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 187: return self:get_property("visible")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 196: return self:get_property("blur")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 208: return self:get_property("image")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 217: return self:get_property("text_tag")
vdo_base_object.lua, line 230: return self:get_property("text_tag_crc")
vdo_cell_missions_list.lua, line 59: local btn_mission_x, btn_mission_y = btn_mission:get_property("anchor")
vdo_cell_missions_list.lua, line 79: --local prev_width, prev_height = element_get_actual_size(btn_mission.handle) --self.buttons[index-1]:get_property("screen_size")
vdo_cell_missions_list.lua, line 82: prev_x, prev_y = self.buttons[index-1]:get_property("anchor")
vdo_cell_missions_list.lua, line 161: local move_height = MISSION_BUTTON_HEIGHT --element_get_actual_size(current_button.handle) --current_button:get_property("screen_size")--element_get_actual_size(current_button.handle)
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 166: base_button.x, base_button.y = base_button:get_property("anchor")
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 171: base_button.x, base_button.y = base_button:get_property("anchor")
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 516: local button_x,button_y = self.current_button:get_property("anchor")
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 1013: local button_x,button_y = self.current_button:get_property("anchor")
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 46: local fill_size_full = fill_obj:get_property("scale", self.handle)
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 105: local fill_width, fill_height = fill_obj:get_property("scale")
vdo_item_stats.lua, line 60: --local item_stat_x, item_stat_y = item_stat:get_property("anchor")
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 200: button_copy.x, button_copy.y = button_copy:get_property("anchor")
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 581: button_copy.x, button_copy.y = button_copy:get_property("anchor")
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 834: local second_button_x = remap.value_bg[2]:get_property("anchor")
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 837: local old_scale_x, old_scale_y = remap.value_bg[1]:get_property("scale")
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 1149: button_x, button_y = current_button:get_property("anchor")
vdo_pause_button_toggle.lua, line 63: local bogus_x, value_y = value:get_property("anchor")
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 41: self.button_copy_x, self.button_copy_y = self.button_copy:get_property("anchor")
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 244: local start_x, start_y = anchor_tween_clone:get_property("start_value")
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 245: local end_x, end_y = anchor_tween_clone:get_property("end_value")
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 281: local list_x, list_y ="anchor")
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 339: local list_x, list_y ="anchor")
vdo_pause_mega_list.lua, line 393: local button_x, button_y = current_button:get_property("anchor")
vdo_scrollbar.lua, line 43: local tab_x, tab_y ="anchor")
vdo_slider.lua, line 27: -- local meter_max, bogus_height = meter:get_property("screen_size")
vdo_store_header.lua, line 100: if self.title[i]:get_property("visible") then
vdo_store_header.lua, line 117: local title_width, title_height = self.title[i]:get_property("screen_size")
vdo_store_header.lua, line 120: local arrow_width, arrow_height = self.arrow[i]:get_property("screen_size")
vdo_store_header.lua, line 143: local title_width,title_height = self.title[i]:get_property("screen_size")
get_remap_index |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_rotation |
false |
1 |
3 |
get_scale |
false |
1 |
3 |
get_screen_size |
false |
1 |
8vdo_grid_button_layered.lua, line 189: local button_grp_w, button_grp_h = button_grp:get_screen_size()
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 532: local highlight_width, highlight_height = highlight_button:get_screen_size()
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 550: --local first_btn_width, first_btn_height = self.buttons[1]:get_screen_size()
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 886: local text_width, text_height = self.titles[title_index].title:get_screen_size()
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 887: local bg_width, bg_height =
vdo_grid_list.lua, line 1029: local highlight_width, highlight_height = highlight_button:get_screen_size()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 271: local bar_top_width, bar_top_height = element_get_actual_size(self.bar_top.handle)--:get_screen_size()
vdo_store_header.lua, line 272: local bar_bottom_width, bar_bottom_height = element_get_actual_size(self.bar_bottom.handle)--:get_screen_size()
get_scroll_region_handle |
false |
1 |
10cell_playlist.lua, line 1065: if List_left:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
cell_playlist.lua, line 1068: elseif List_right:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
game_lobby.lua, line 1458: if List:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 667: if List:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 254: if List:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 958: if List:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
pause_options_remap.lua, line 428: if List:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
pause_save_game.lua, line 778: if Save_load_list:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
store_common.lua, line 779: if Active_list:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
vint_bugs.lua, line 117: if Bugs_megalist:get_scroll_region_handle() == target_handle then
get_selected |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_selected_data |
false |
1 |
40cell_rewards.lua, line 375: if Store_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1105: if Confirm_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1215: if Confirm_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1251: if Confirm_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 1530: if Confirm_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
pause_map.lua, line 1566: if event == "back" or Pause_map_stag_popup:get_selected_data() == 2 then
pause_map.lua, line 1587: if Pause_map_stag_popup:get_selected_data() == 1 then
store_character.lua, line 692: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_character.lua, line 1002: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_character.lua, line 1835: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_character.lua, line 2125: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_character.lua, line 2834: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_character.lua, line 3185: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 573: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 1276: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 1318: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 1526: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 2000: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 2078: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_clothing.lua, line 2116: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_crib.lua, line 447: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_gallery.lua, line 274: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_gang.lua, line 540: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_stronghold.lua, line 337: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_stronghold.lua, line 470: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_tattoo.lua, line 188: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_tattoo.lua, line 403: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 396: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 436: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() == 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 472: local choice_index = Store_common_popup:get_selected_data()
store_vehicle.lua, line 571: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 606: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 1079: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 1307: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 1961: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 2064: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 2651: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_vehicle.lua, line 2694: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_weapon.lua, line 543: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
store_weapon.lua, line 1752: if Store_common_popup:get_selected_data() ~= 1 then
get_selected_height |
false |
1 |
get_selected_slot |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_selection |
false |
3 |
120cell_cheats.lua, line 189: local selection = Cheats_list:get_selection()
cell_cheats.lua, line 353: Category_selected_idx = Cheats_list:get_selection()
cell_cheats.lua, line 365: local selection = Cheats_list:get_selection()
cell_phone.lua, line 1025: local old_index = Garage_list:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 473: local left_index = List_left:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 563: local current_selection = List_right:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 575: local current_selection = List_right:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 589: local current_selection = List_right:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 602: local left_selection = List_left:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 643: local current_selection = swap_index --List_right:get_selection()
cell_playlist.lua, line 672: local current_selection = swap_index --List_right:get_selection()
cell_rewards.lua, line 207: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
cell_rewards.lua, line 380: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
cell_rewards.lua, line 517: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
cell_rewards.lua, line 566: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
cell_rewards.lua, line 584: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
cinema_clip_manager.lua, line 123: local cur_selection = Active_list:get_selection()
cinema_clip_manager.lua, line 222: local cur_selection = Active_list:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 311: local selection = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 368: local selection = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 407: local last_option_selected = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 465: local last_option_selected = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 487: local last_option_selected = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 784: local last_option_selected = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 966: local selection = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1064: local selection = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1153: local last_option_selected = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1266: local insert_values = { [0] = Data[List:get_selection()].label }
game_lobby.lua, line 1289: local current_index = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1322: local current_index = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1360: local current_index = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1373: local current_index = List:get_selection()
game_lobby.lua, line 1411: local current_index = List:get_selection()
main_menu_top.lua, line 373: local current_selection = Main_menu_list:get_selection()
msn_text_adventure.lua, line 329: local user_choice = Active_list:get_selection()
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 299: local selection = List:get_selection()
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 360: local selection = List:get_selection()
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 504: local insert_values = { [0] = Data[List:get_selection()].invite_tag }
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 522: Join_friend_after_display = List:get_selection() - 1
pause_options_audio.lua, line 227: if List:get_selection() == MUSIC_INDEX then
pause_options_audio.lua, line 241: if List:get_selection() == MUSIC_INDEX then
pause_options_audio.lua, line 264: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_audio.lua, line 301: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 119: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 130: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 170: local cur_selection = List:get_selection()
pause_options_controls.lua, line 223: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 211: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 221: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 237: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_difficulty.lua, line 335: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_display.lua, line 111: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_display.lua, line 121: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_display.lua, line 131: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_display_cal.lua, line 256: local current_idx = Display_list:get_selection()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 593: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 605: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 613: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_mouse.lua, line 170: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_remap.lua, line 247: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_remap.lua, line 266: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_options_remap.lua, line 340: local current_idx = List:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 352: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 387: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 460: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 593: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 666: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 708: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
pause_save_game.lua, line 732: local current_button = Save_load_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 447: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 885: title_crc = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].label_crc
store_character.lua, line 887: title = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].label
store_character.lua, line 1478: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 1775: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 2790: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 2802: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 2841: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_character.lua, line 3014: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_clothing.lua, line 682: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_clothing.lua, line 1794: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_clothing.lua, line 2262: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 366: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 379: title_crc = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].label_crc
store_common.lua, line 381: title = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].label
store_common.lua, line 418: local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 488: title_crc = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].label_crc
store_common.lua, line 490: title = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].label
store_common.lua, line 540: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 568: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 656: --local current_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 685: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_common.lua, line 754: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_crib.lua, line 596: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_dlc.lua, line 106: local current_index = List:get_selection()
store_dlc.lua, line 135: local selected_index = List:get_selection()
store_dlc.lua, line 149: local selected_index = List:get_selection()
store_dlc.lua, line 448: selection = List:get_selection()
store_gang.lua, line 198: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_gang.lua, line 727: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_stronghold.lua, line 403: local current_item = Active_list:get_selection()
store_stronghold.lua, line 477: local current_item = Active_list:get_selection()
store_stronghold.lua, line 652: local current_item = Active_list:get_selection()
store_stronghold.lua, line 780: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_tattoo.lua, line 836: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_vehicle.lua, line 208: local item = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()]
store_vehicle.lua, line 438: local cur_sel = Active_list:get_selection()
store_vehicle.lua, line 631: Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].on_back = nil
store_vehicle.lua, line 671: Store_vehicle_show_slot = Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()].id
store_vehicle.lua, line 1103: Store_vehicle_chosen_axle = Active_list:get_selection() - 2 -- -1 = both, 0 = front, 1 = rear
store_vehicle.lua, line 1669: Store_vehicle_color_selection = Active_list:get_selection() - 1
store_vehicle.lua, line 2077: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_vehicle.lua, line 2092: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_vehicle.lua, line 2100: local index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_vehicle.lua, line 2150: if Active_list:get_selection() ~= nil and Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()] ~= nil then
store_vehicle.lua, line 2150: if Active_list:get_selection() ~= nil and Menu_data[Active_list:get_selection()] ~= nil then
store_vehicle.lua, line 3312: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
store_weapon.lua, line 1481: local weapon_info = Weapon_grid_data[Store_common_color_grid:get_selection()]
store_weapon.lua, line 1484: Weapon_grid_idx = Store_common_color_grid:get_selection()
store_weapon.lua, line 2271: local old_index = Active_list:get_selection()
vdo_store_popup.lua, line 166: return self.list:get_selection()
get_size |
false |
12vdo_gsi.lua, line 1028
vdo_gsi_combo.lua, line 189
vdo_gsi_info.lua, line 155
vdo_gsi_meter.lua, line 156
vdo_gsi_timer.lua, line 206
vdo_gsi_xy.lua, line 137
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 301
vdo_hint_button.lua, line 293
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 1686
vdo_pause_header.lua, line 88
vdo_slider.lua, line 118
vdo_store_popup.lua, line 66
22cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 824: local w, h = Hint_bar:get_size()
cmp_common.lua, line 2047: local width, height = Cmp_hintbar:get_size()
hud.lua, line 970: local hint_icon_w,hint_icon_h = Hud_camera.hint_icon:get_size()
hud.lua, line 1501: local width, height = Hud_sniper_hint_bar:get_size()
hud.lua, line 1515: local width, height = Hud_sniper_hint_bar:get_size()
hud.lua, line 2224: local width, height = Hud_player_status.cruise_control_obj:get_size()
hud_msg.lua, line 671: local h_w, h_h = Hud_msg_use_btn:get_size()
hud_msg.lua, line 815: local h_w, h_h = Hud_msg_gameplay_btn:get_size()
hud_predator.lua, line 718: local width, height = Predator_hint_bar:get_size()
pause_map.lua, line 473: local width, height = PC_hint_bar:get_size()
pause_map.lua, line 538: local width, height = Pause_map_stag_popup:get_size()
pause_map.lua, line 1117: local hintbar_width, hintbar_height = status.hint_bar:get_size()
pause_map.lua, line 1496: local width, height = Hint_bar:get_size()
screen_fade.lua, line 258: local width, height = Hud_gsi:get_size()
tutorial.lua, line 214: local hint_width, hint_height = content.hint_bar:get_size()
vdo_gsi.lua, line 918: timer_width, timer_height = indicator_obj:get_size()
vdo_gsi.lua, line 936: local width_test, height_test = indicator_obj:get_size()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 137: button_width, button_height = button:get_size()
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 153: button_width, button_height = button:get_size()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 266: self.slider_width, self.toggle_slider_height = self.slider:get_size()
vdo_pause_header.lua, line 43: local text_width,text_height = self:get_size()
vdo_store_popup.lua, line 93: local list_width, list_height = self.list:get_size()
get_slot_index |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_start_value |
false |
1 |
3 |
get_station_index_from_id |
false |
1 |
2 |
get_target_column |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_text |
false |
1 |
get_text_crc |
false |
1 |
get_text_width |
false |
3 |
4 |
get_title_size |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_toggle_selection |
false |
1 |
3 |
get_tooltip |
false |
1 |
get_to_rimjobs_cb |
false |
1 |
get_unselected_height |
false |
1 |
get_value_width |
false |
2 |
3 |
get_visible |
false |
1 |
11cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 626: if CCE_buttons[i].button:is_active() and CCE_buttons[i].button:get_visible() then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 647: if CCE_buttons[i].button:is_active() and CCE_buttons[i].button:get_visible() then
cinema_clip_editor.lua, line 747: if CCE_buttons[i].button:is_active() and CCE_buttons[i].button:get_visible() then
store_character.lua, line 2785: if Active_list:get_visible() == false then
store_vehicle.lua, line 2734: if Store_common_popup:get_visible() then
store_vehicle.lua, line 3280: if Store_common_popup:get_visible() then
store_weapon.lua, line 1387: if Store_common_color_grid:get_visible() == true then
vdo_gsi.lua, line 925: if icon_obj:get_visible() then
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 359: if self.hint_objects[i].text:get_visible() then
vdo_hint_bar.lua, line 370: if self.hint_objects[i].text:get_visible() then
vdo_store_header.lua, line 142: if self.title[i]:get_visible() then
get_visible_indices |
false |
1 |
12cell_cheats.lua, line 460: local start_index = Cheats_list:get_visible_indices()
cell_phone.lua, line 1066: local start_index = Garage_list:get_visible_indices()
cell_playlist.lua, line 1089: local start_index = List_left:get_visible_indices()
cell_playlist.lua, line 1093: local start_index = List_right:get_visible_indices()
pause_invite_friends.lua, line 686: local start_index = List:get_visible_indices()
pause_options_clip_select.lua, line 272: local start_index = List:get_visible_indices()
pause_options_display_pc.lua, line 978: local start_index = List:get_visible_indices()
pause_options_remap.lua, line 446: local start_index = List:get_visible_indices()
pause_save_game.lua, line 796: local start_index = Save_load_list:get_visible_indices()
store_common.lua, line 814: local start_index = Active_list:get_visible_indices()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 1984: local start_idx, end_idx = self:get_visible_indices()
vint_bugs.lua, line 133: local start_index = Bugs_megalist:get_visible_indices()
get_visible_rows |
false |
1 |
4 |
get_widgets_height |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_widgets_width |
false |
1 |
1 |
get_width |
false |
4 |
10hud_btnmash.lua, line 196: local width = Hud_btnmash_pc_key:get_width()
hud_qte.lua, line 142: local width = Hud_qte_kb_key:get_width()
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 202: local w_width = Hud_sexy_key_w:get_width() * key_scale
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 203: local n_width = Hud_sexy_key_n:get_width() * key_scale
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 204: local e_width = Hud_sexy_key_e:get_width() * key_scale
hud_touch_combo.lua, line 205: local s_width = Hud_sexy_key_s:get_width() * key_scale
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 271: self.toggle_color_width = self.toggle_color:get_width()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 333: self.row_width = temp_row:get_width()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 343: self.toggle_width = temp_toggle:get_width()
vdo_mega_list.lua, line 708: local toggle_x = self.new_width - (self.max_item_width * .5) - (toggle:get_width() * .5) - SLIDER_PADDING_RIGHT
gis_grain_cleanup |
false |
1 |
gis_grain_exit |
false |
1 |
gis_grain_fade_out |
false |
1 |
gis_grain_game_is_paused |
false |
1 |
gis_grain_init |
false |
1 |
grid_item_add |
false |
2 |
2 |